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These General Terms and Conditions define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of distance booking services offered by our establishment, the contact details of which are specified in this reservation confirmation document. They govern all the steps necessary for booking and tracking the reservation between the contracting parties. The customer acknowledges having read and accepted these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the rate-specific terms available on our booking platform. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to all reservations made via the internet through our booking platform.


The customer selects the services offered on our booking platform. They acknowledge having reviewed the nature, purpose, and booking terms of the services available on our platform and having requested and obtained the necessary and/or additional information to make their reservation with full knowledge of the facts. The customer is solely responsible for their choice of services and their suitability for their needs, so our liability cannot be sought in this regard. The booking is deemed accepted by the customer upon completion of the booking process.

Booking Process

Reservations made by the customer are done through the digital booking form accessible online on our booking platform. The reservation is considered complete upon receipt of the booking form. Before making a reservation, the customer agrees to provide the requested information on the form or reservation request. The customer certifies the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided. After the final selection of services to be booked, the booking procedure includes, notably, entering credit card details if a guarantee or prepayment is required, reviewing and accepting the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the rate-specific terms before confirming the reservation, and finally, confirming the reservation by the customer.

Acknowledgment of Booking

Our booking platform acknowledges receipt of the customer’s reservation by promptly sending an email. For online bookings, the email acknowledgment summarizes the contract offer, the reserved services, the prices, the sales conditions related to the selected rate accepted by the customer, the date of the reservation, information about after-sales service, and the address of the seller’s establishment where the customer can submit any complaints.

Cancellation or Modification by the Customer

The customer is reminded that, in accordance with Article L. 121-21-8 12° of the Consumer Code, they do not have the right of withdrawal provided for in Article L. 121-21 of the Consumer Code. The terms of sale for the reserved rate specify the cancellation and/or modification conditions for the reservation. Reservations with prepayment cannot be modified and/or canceled. Advance payments, such as deposits, are non-refundable. If applicable, this will be stated in the rate’s terms of sale. When the rate’s terms of sale permit, the cancellation of the reservation can be done directly with the establishment, whose contact details are provided in the reservation confirmation email. All reservations are personal and cannot, under any circumstances, be transferred to a third party, whether free of charge or for a fee.

Cancellation by the Owner

If the owner cancels the stay before its commencement, they must inform the customer by email or phone. The customer, without prejudice to any claims for damages that may be incurred, will be immediately refunded the amounts paid.

Use of the Service

In accordance with regulations in certain countries, the customer may be required to fill out a police registration form upon arrival. To do so, the customer will need to present an ID to verify whether they need to complete the form. Any behavior contrary to good morals and public order will lead the establishment to request the customer to leave the premises without any compensation or refund if payment has already been made. For establishments with an Internal Regulations, the customer agrees to comply with and respect these regulations. In case of non-compliance with any provision of the Internal Regulations, the establishment will be obliged to ask the customer to leave the premises without any compensation or refund if payment has already been made.


The photographs displayed on our booking platform are not contractual. While every effort is made to ensure that the photographs, graphic representations, and texts used to illustrate the presented establishments provide as accurate a preview as possible of the services offered, variations may occur between the time of booking and the date of service consumption. The establishment cannot be held responsible for non-performance or poor performance of the reservation in cases of force majeure, actions by third parties, actions by the customer, including network unavailability, inability to access the website, external intrusions, computer viruses, or if prepayment is not authorized by the cardholder’s bank. Any irregular, non-operational, incomplete, or fraudulent reservation or payment attributable to the customer will result in the cancellation of the order at the customer’s expense, without prejudice to any civil or criminal action against the customer.


Claims related to the non-performance or poor performance of the reserved services must, under penalty of forfeiture, be submitted to us in writing within eight days after the departure date from the establishment.


The prices related to the reservation of services are indicated before and during the booking process. Prices are confirmed to the customer inclusive of taxes, in the establishment’s commercial currency, and are only valid for the duration specified on the booking platform. If payment at the establishment is made in a currency other than that confirmed at the time of booking, the exchange fees are the responsibility of the customer. All reservations, regardless of their origin, are payable in the local currency of the establishment, unless otherwise stated on-site. Unless otherwise indicated on the booking platform, additional services are not included in the price. Taxes (local taxes, tourist taxes, etc.), if applicable and shown on the rates page, are to be paid directly on-site to the establishment. Prices take into account the VAT rate applicable on the day of the order, and any changes in the applicable VAT rate will be automatically reflected in the prices indicated on the invoice date. Any modification or introduction of new legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the relevant authorities will be automatically reflected in the prices indicated on the invoice date.


In case of a dispute, after contacting customer service by email at, and if a satisfactory response is not received within 30 days, the customer may contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details are as follows:
Postal Address: Médiation Tourisme et Voyage BP 80 303 75 823
Paris Cedex 17

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