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Transform your business or event meals into unforgettable moments.

Breakfast, dinner or a simple gourmet break?

Exsel Authentic hotels offer catering options adapted to all your events.

Each of the group’s restaurants offers modern cuisine made largely from local products.

Business meals, cocktails, gala dinners, the possibilities are endless.

Exsel Authentic hotels offers you through its establishments a varied offer dedicated to business customers. Meticulous choice of menus and attention to tableware, respect for specific diets, catering is our business.

Capacity of establishments
Banquet Cocktail
Mercure Creolia 160 300
Alamanda 150
Floralys 200 300
Le Victoria 80
Exsel Creolia Piscine 2 1 scaled
Exsel Creolia Piscine 2 1 scaled