
Change of identity : Mercure Créolia becomes Exsel Créolia

The Mercure Créolia hotel becomes the Exsel Créolia hotel

The Exsel Créolia hotel, located in Montgaillard in Saint-Denis, has changed its name since January 2024. The new brand has been put in place, replacing the Accor “Mercure” sign, at the front of the establishment and in the various services . 

The “Mercure” franchise, which had been signed for a period of 10 years, ended at the beginning of January 2024. Exsel Hôtels, chaired by Yann Lefebvre, decided not to renew the franchise. Thursday February 22, a cocktail dinner celebrated the complete renovation and change of identity of the hotel: place at the “Exsel Créolia” hotel, which aims to be one of the beautiful hotel alternatives in Saint Denis.

Theme evenings are already organized to boost the operation of the hotel, for its customers, but also for the Reunion public fond of live concerts, or even afterworks and braziers.

“Our hotel operates exactly as before, it is above all a Reunionese name, the Exsel group being an integral part of the island’s hotel landscape” explains Pascal Turonnet, the director of the Exsel Créolia hotel.


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